New research has shown late-onset or adult-onset acne is becoming increasingly common in women in their 20s, 30s, 40s and even 50s.

Acne affects over 50 percent of women between the ages of 20-29 and over 25 percent of women between the ages of 40-49.

This same research also found that women are more affected by adult acne than men.

Here are ten myths and then the facts about adult acne:

  • Adults don’t get acne. Not true and it may look different, more like reddish nodules around your mouth and jaw.
  • Eating chocolate and drinking soda gives you acne. The idea that chocolate and caffeine cause acne has never panned out in studies.
  • Stress causes acne. Maybe stress plays a role in worsening current but not any good evidence to show stress causes a breakout.
  • Don’t wear sunscreen, it will aggravate your acne. Key here is to pick the right sunscreen like zinc oxide.
  • You have acne because you’re not washing enough. Twice a day is probably better than once but more than this may actually dry out your skin too much.
  • Acne is just a cosmetic problem. Acne can have lasting consequences in how you feel about yourself and leave permanent scars.
  • You just have to wait and let acne go away with time. There are many treatments available from your primary care Doctor or Dermatologist.
  • You can “clear up” a pimple by scrubbing at it. Don’t pick or scrub as this is the number one way of getting a scar.
  • If you’re an adult, just go to the cosmetics counter and get a good face cream or cleanser. Get help from the experts who are trained to treat acne and can do much more than the over-the-counter products.

Consult with your primary care Doctor about what are the causes and risk factors for adult acne and what he/she can do to treat your acne.

Whether it be prescription medicines, lifestyle changes, home remedies or alternative methods, there is hope and help on how you can treat/prevent adult acne.